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Dark Reading: CISOs and Their Companies Struggle to Comply With SEC Disclosure Rules

Date published:

May 17, 2024

Jon Marler

Manager, Cybersecurity Evangelist


Dark Reading

May 17, 2024


Jon Marler, Cybersecurity Evangelist at VikingCloud, spoke with Dark Reading about VikingCloud’s 2024 Threat Landscape report and the issues companies face in ensuring they meet cyberattack disclosure rules. VikingCloud’s research found that 40% of cybersecurity professionals have not reported incidents for fear of losing their jobs and 68% of companies would not meet the SEC’s four-day disclosure deadline. Marler highlighted the need for cultural changes to ensure that discovering problems does not result in punishment, thus encouraging a more open and effective security environment.

"I think a lot of the way to solve this culturally is to set up things in place so that the person who finds a problem isn't the person who gets fired for finding it. You don't want to punish people for success," said Marler.

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