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CSO Magazine: Cyber attackers and defenders are racing to up their AI game

Date published:

Nov 8, 2023

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CSO Magazine – November 8, 2023

The CSO article by Cynthia Brumfield discusses how Artificial intelligence’s power and fast evolution are rapidly altering the cybersecurity landscape in ways that pose opportunities and challenges to cybersecurity defenders. For example, the article highlights that nearly three-quarters (72%) of IT and security decision-makers reported in a recent survey that they are concerned about the potential adverse effects of generative AI on their organization’s cybersecurity.

VikingCloud global security architect, Fayyaz Makhani, is quoted in the article to explain that the same tools being leveraged by bad actors to increase their breach efficiency can also be leveraged by organizations for better cyber protection: “We don’t need to be afraid of AI,” explains Makhani, “We can look at it in a couple of different ways, and if we look at it as tools and as support for whatever it is we do, whether it’s on the white side or the not-so-white side of cybersecurity. I think either way, we all have the ability to utilize artificial intelligence in many different ways.”

For more on how AI’s rapid advancement will impact both attackers and defenders, read the full article at