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TechRadarPro: The Alarming Gap Between Cyber Readiness Perception and Reality in the Corner Office

Date published:

Sep 13, 2024

Kevin Pierce

Chief Product Officer



September 13, 2024

VikingCloud’s 2024 Threat Landscape report revealed that a staggering 81% of C-suite leaders feel confident in their cybersecurity defenses. That confidence has resulted in only 5% of leaders allocating additional budget to their cyber programs in the past 12 months.

The harsh reality paints a different picture—over 1 billion records were stolen in the first half of 2024 alone. While the C-suite feels protected, the talent on the front line is more attuned to the actual threat, with twice as many managers lacking confidence in their organization’s cyber posture. This alarming disconnect between perceived and actual cybersecurity readiness poses significant risks to organizations.

Learn how C-suite leaders can close the confidence gap in our CPO Kevin Pierce’s article in TechRadar Pro: